Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sailing into a Stalker.

Sailing man came in the other night at work and cornered me. He asked how my lunch date (my excuse for not taking him up on his original sailing offer weeks prior) went and if it went bad, could he take me to lunch or sailing.

WHOA. What the shit!?

So he came back into my store to follow up with me and hope he could get a second chance at going out with me? REALLY!? This is creepy but it gets creepier.

I was polite and I said:

Oh! I'm sorry I didn't clarify before but that lunch date was with my boyfriend.
We had just set up a time to meet up for a lunch date. 

He said:

Oh... Well I was going to say if your date didn't go well maybe I could take you out,
but I didn't know it was with your boyfriend.

I said:

Yeah, well, it went well and is still is! I'm sorry again if I wasn't clear.
(Yes, I lied. I am now single but would you go out with him!? I WOULDN'T!)

He said:

Oh well, you did get my hopes up a little bit but alright...

I said:

Sorry 'bout that. But I appreciate the offer. It was very nice of you.
(I start cleaning something as if to say: I am ending the conversation.)

He didn't stop:

You're welcome. It's just that you're an attractive girl and I had to at least try.
I mean, you are beautiful and I would love to be able to take you out.... 
(He trails off about me and it's weird so I start focusing on how uncomfortable i am getting)

I interrupt:

--Okay! Thanks! I am blushing now so I am going to go in the back room.
Have a good night. 

(I bolt. He kind of smiles like my blushing was a good thing. It's wasn't dude.)

Red flags went up and I had to leave before it got worse. I didn't want to know how he saw me... Ugh. Needlesstosay, if I turn up dead out at sea then you will know who is responsible. Sorry, that was morbid but the way he was talking when he was describing me was very uncomfortable, he said it very affectionately like as if he was describing a dream. Weird!! 

If he comes in again and makes me feel uncomfortable then I am kicking his ass out and this "attractive" girl is going to get real ugly with him.   *Hold my hoops!*

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