Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hello Goodbye

Hello! I am listening to the Beatles while I put away the massive amount of clean clothes that have recently taken up shop on the top of my bed. I hate being reduced to one side of my bed when I sleep but, laziness has been an evil ruler too long and it is now time to take a stand. So here I stand in my torn sweatshirt and my empowering Godzilla cartoon underwear. Boo-yah!!

Goodbye this weekend.
I lost a hub cap on my car between Visalia and Bakersfield. My car is now officially ghetto. Yes, I am riding dirty...whatever that means.

I saw my friend Samantha's 7 year old and 2 year old. I felt everything parents complain about in just those 28 hours I spent there. Coffee wasn't enough and that made me want to cry. It was like finding out your hero is really the bad guy. My butt also was abused and it especially hurt the second day from all the pushing and hitting it endured. However, when it was bedtime and after I gave the 2 year old a hug in Sam's arms, she turned to walk away and 2 year old looked back at me and demanded, "Gimme a kiss!" I couldn't refuse that adorable face and my heart instantly melted. In that moment there is only that and it makes all the other stuff you have to put up with worth it. My butt maybe sore and I may be sleep deprived but my heart was a pile of mush.

Bakersfield. Oh, Bakersfield! You have changed so much and I wish I could say it was for the better. The only improvement I saw was that Spencer's restaurant was busy and had improved the layout while keeping it's charm. To the waitresses surprise I dined there alone in the morning with a good book. It made me really happy to be alone, especially when 12 hours before I had two kids hanging on me. I hope I don't have to go back anytime soon. I do miss my friends there but I have a futon and better weather... come visit ME.

Off to accomplish the next task on my To Do List. I love productive days off.

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